Don’t Come Home Without It™

180 minutes | 5 to 200 pax

Teams are neighbours needing crucial items from the local grocery store before it closes, but not all relationships among them are very neighbourly! 

The experience

In this eye-opening team-building activity, participants discover how to break down barriers and improve collaboration to not only deliver on their own expectations, but to also be considerate of the equally pressing needs of others. In the midst of all the fun, participants will learn about productive collaboration, communication and results focused teamwork.

As families living in a close neighbourhood, participants will rush to complete their last-minute grocery shopping before tomorrow’s big holiday. The challenge, however, is that everyone in the neighbourhood seems to have left their shopping to the last minute. The demands of hungry relatives coming to visit, along with limited supplies in the store and some less than ideal neighborly relationships all create a potentially stressful situation where participants are told, “Don’t come home without it!”

Learning outcomes

  • Move from a “me” to a “we” mentality

  • Operate with more ease and efficiency by fostering an environment of trust

  • Align personal efforts to ensure that individual, team and organisational goals are achieved

  • Employ collaboration and widespread communication to deliver exceptional internal and external service

Program details

  • Half day
  • Up to 200 Participants
  • Virtual experience

From developing human skills to transforming your organisational culture