Market Maker™

180 minutes | 6 to 1000 pax

In Market Maker™, teams will learn how to negotiate and build lasting relationships that drive results through this futuristic technology-themed interactive learning experience.

The experience

This futuristic technology-themed interactive learning experience presents a challenge as old as time – make money and forge relationships while acting with integrity. Throughout the experience, attendees will face deadlines, changing circumstances and rivalries.

As societies have begun to transition into a digital age, there has been an increased demand for products and services involving innovative technology and energy development. The Atmosphere Group Board has realised that their current products and services are not meeting evolving customer expectations and is concerned about the organisation’s long-term success and its ability to remain a leader in its field. ​In response to this, the Chairman of The Atmosphere Group has called for representatives from the companies to come together to compete in Market Maker™. The winning team will need to barter, trade resources, build relationships and negotiate in order to become the victor.

Learning outcomes

  • Negotiation: Negotiate and build lasting relationships that drive results

  • Reputation: Focus on long-term success and the market value of reputation, whilst learning how others’ perceptions of you can impact your results

  • Self awareness: Maximise personal strengths and eliminate weaknesses

  • Initiative: Take initiative and make a commitment to achieving all that is possible

Program details

  • Half day
  • Up to 1000 participants
  • Virtual experience

From developing human skills to transforming your organisational culture