Promises, Promises!™

120-180 minutes | 20 to 5000 pax

In Promises, Promises!™, participants will learn that to be a united organisation you must have collaboration and trust.

The experience

Participants are thrown into a world where they must overcome distrust, cultural barriers and flawed communication to make good on their commitments. Promises, Promises!™ brings together a healthy mix of diplomatic intrigue, politics, scandals and lots of fun.

Teams will represent one of 10 countries and over the course of their 5-year governance they will attempt to manage their budget and meet election commitments made to constituents. Not all is ‘sugar and spice and all things nice’, as previous business trading and deals gone bad run the risk of creating tension. History, perceptions, need and greed can all get in the way.

Learning outcomes

  • Collaboration: Understanding the interdependence between teams and how this is critical to overall success

  • Concreteness: How we focus on the tangible needs of the moment and often discount or miss the bigger picture

  • Changing perceptions and overcoming bias: It's an exciting adventure that focuses on trust, effective communication, teamwork, maximising resources and developing a common vision

  • Resource management: Recognising tangible and intangible resources and understanding what drives the biggest success

Program details

  • Half day
  • Up to 5000 participants
  • Ideal for all team members for training or corporate events
  • Customisation and various delivery options available
  • Post-course reinforcement and retention options available to maximise the impact of training
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From developing human skills to transforming your organisational culture