Ride The Wind™

60-90 minutes | 5 to 200 pax

Players build an amusement park, balancing rides, attractions and other amenities that will increase the park’s popularity while also maximising its profitability. 

The experience

One of the most important ways leaders can bring out the best in their team members is by learning how to be an effective coach. Leaders who understand the value of coaching take the time to understand their employees and to offer genuine, individualised support and feedback, leading to improved results and engagement.​

In Ride The Wind™participants are tasked with building the world’s best amusement park where they practise a coaching framework that lays out the steps to communicate in a way that encourages people to remain open to coaching and willing to act based on feedback.

Learning outcomes

  • Deliver feedback in a way that optimises impact by applying a coaching framework​

  • Understand the importance of effective teamwork and team dynamics

  • Maximise the outcome without losing sight of the "non-negotiables"

  • Deliver on all accountabilities

Program details

  • Half day
  • Up to 200 participants
  • Optimal participant count per team: 5 pax
  • Virtual experience

From developing human skills to transforming your organisational culture