Leading Change™

2 days | 15 to 30 pax

In Leading Change™, leaders will learn to not only manage change, but lead employees through it towards success.

The experience

In Leading Change™, leaders will gain the necessary knowledge and perspective to lead employees with the vision, clarity, adaptability and motivation they need to succeed in times of change.

Learning outcomes

  • Translate macro-organisational change plans to operational department, business unit and team plans.

  • Appreciate the mindset needed to manage self and others across the change journey, relating individual department needs to macro change plans

  • Create a blueprint of gaps and practical next steps for them to take action

  • Understand the 5 areas of priority and gain the necessary knowledge and perspective to lead teams through change and bridge gaps

Program details

  • 2 days
  • Up to 30 participants
  • In-class or virtual delivery
  • Ideal for training mid-level leaders
  • Online pre-work activities
  • Post-course reinforcement and retention options available to maximise the impact of training

From developing human skills to transforming your organisational culture