The Discovery of Dr. Thomas Rae™

180 minutes | 5 to 5000 pax

In The Discovery of Dr. Thomas Rae™, your leaders will learn how to drive results through effective coaching.

The experience

When done properly, coaching and feedback create stronger relationships between leaders and their team members. Effective coaching has the ability to improve individual performance, drive results and positively influence the company’s culture. The challenge facing many organisations is how to ensure that the power of coaching is fully understood, and is accurately and effectively applied. In Eagles Flight’s experiential coaching programme, The Discovery of Dr. Thomas Rae™, your employees will get hands-on practice delivering effective feedback and the debrief brings to life the real-world application of coaching to achieve the desired results from direct reports.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify coachable moments and apply coaching skills to improve performance

  • Create stronger relationships between the leader and the team members - this translates to the improved performance of individuals

  • Apply coaching principles practised in the program back on the job

Program details

  • Half day
  • Up to 5000 participants
  • Ideal for all team members for training or corporate events
  • Customisation and various delivery options available
  • Post-course reinforcement and retention options available to maximise the impact of training

From developing human skills to transforming your organisational culture