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Senior Leaders

Living Leadership™
In Eagle’s Flight’s Senior Leaders program, your executive-level leaders will learn that in order to deliver world-class organizational results, they must release the full potential of employees. To do so, they will learn effective coaching, goal-setting, feedback, empowerment, and change management.

Leading Change

Drive positive business growth in times of change and uncertainty by providing clear leadership in five distinct areas.

Mastering Organizational Communication

Ensure that a consistent message is heard, understood, and acted upon by harnessing the flow of information.

Powering Team Performance

Achieve higher levels of collaboration and accountability through learning the Seven Cornerstones of Teamwork™ .

Coaching for Results

Recognize the importance of modeling an example that others can follow, and develop coaching techniques that maximize performance.

Assessing Performance

Achieve higher performance through the use of outcome-based goals, objective assessment, and constructive feedback.

Powerful Storytelling

Learn how to master and craft powerful stories through story catalysts to create human moments in a business environment.

Leading an Empowered Workforce

Understand how to engage stakeholders in decision making for optimum results, and then increase engagement through effective delegation.

Executional Excellence

Learn to shift from strategy (through plans, checkpoints, and innovation) to tactics in order to predictably deliver to promised results.


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Our approach to DE&I

Get to know you

The skills are translated to practical tools.

Align Everyone

The skills are translated to practical tools.

Make it Yours

The skills are translated to practical tools.

Engage the Learner

The skills are translated to practical tools.


The skills are translated to practical tools.


The skills are translated to practical tools.

Track Impact

The skills are translated to practical tools.

Make it Stick

The skills are translated to practical tools.

Let’s Take The First Step

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    How have we helped others?


    Developing a Leadership Pipeline

    Worked to create a leadership pipeline where there wasn't one. Supported in identifying competency model, assessing and developing leaders as all levels of organization. See Their Review >


    Experiential Learning to Develop Leaders

    A custom leadership solution designed to leveraging our experiential approach to build conviction and skills around key leadership competencies. See Their Review >


    Establishing the Foundations

    As the organization changed, current and past leaders came together to create a foundation of collaboration, communication, clarity and understanding. See Their Review >


    Multi-Year Leadership Development

    Custom discovery process, which yielded a custom set of leadership competencies, and ongoing leadership development.See Their Review >


    A Trusted Content Provider

    Partnered leadership content provider for leadership initiatives within the company.See Their Review >


    Practical Leadership in Action

    A custom solution delivering Practical leadership modules, 1 on 1 coaching, 180/360 assessment and content videos.See Their Review >


    Leadership through the Lens of Safety

    All supervisors and Forman's needed to be equipped with the foundational skills required to tangibly lead with a Safety Training Lense. See Their Review >


    Fueling Experiential Learning

    Partnering with Eagle's Flight to provide experiential learning content to fit specific training needs.See Their Review >


    Multi-Level Management Training

    Custom training for mid-level managers and employees delivered virtually based on client specific leadership models to reinforce training. See Their Review >

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